Published by the same people who publish PRISON LEGAL NEWS, Criminal Legal News (CLN) recently arrived in my cell as a sample copy (anyone who subscribes to PLN should have received the sample copy of CLN) and looking it over briefly the first night, it seemed to fill a niche. Reading it more the next day, I think the magazine can be powerful enough to literally open doors to some prisoners still fighting their convictions. Let's hope the content expands as they get settled in as it is a bit pricey for a one-year subscription at $48 per year (for prisoners). Go to for other pricing and subscription options.

I have mad respect (as the kids say these days) for Paul Wright, publisher of PLN not only for the work he did in creating PLN from his cell in a Washington (state) prison, but for all the things he has done since. He has never laid down - never stopped to tie his shoes while running towards a problem or capitulated to the government because something was difficult. CLN seems to be another instance where Paul has come through for prisoners, their families and friends. With an attorney as managing editor, Richard Resch should bring to CLN what Paul is able to bring to the proven success of PLN.