Even after finding ISCC prisoner Dale Shackelford guilty of harassment based on a blog post for quoting staff referring to other facility staff as "Moffetteers" (see WHEN A GUARD HATES A PRISONER on this site), some staff, while working in secure areas of the prison have been wearing labels taped over their names on their official State of Idaho identification cards which reads - in large font and bold letters - MOFFETTEER.
On January 19, 2021, officials found Shackelford guilty of harassment and imposed sanctions (punishment)* (see GUARD JUMPS GUN... on this site) which not only restricted his access to commissary for a month and recreation for more than 2 weeks, but voided his hobby craft privileges for 6 months - meaning Shackelford was required to send all his hobby craft supplies out of the facility, costing more than $150 in lost supplies and postage. Shackelford is also precluded from being hired for any job for 6 months.
Despite the official finding that the term MOFFETTEER was harassment to a specific correctional officer/guard when posted by Shackelford, an officer working in F Block on the evening of February 11, 2021, less than a month after Shackelford was punished for using the term, openly sported an altered I.D. card on his uniform. According to the officer, someone else had taped a gummed label with the word MOFFETTEER over his name, but stated that he was unaware who had done so. Word from other staff is that there are at least 2 other officers who's I.D. cards or name tags read "Moffetteers".
According to staff in recent conversations on this subject, correctional officers at [their] academy are told they may mark out first names on their I.D. cards to prevent prisoners from identifying them. This seems a bit suspect in that one would think that if administrators did not want the first names on the cards, they wouldn't put the names on the cards in the first place. Certainly, even if true, allowing officers to alter their I.D. cards to conceal their first names would not include allowing the entire name to be covered with a term deemed harassing.
Security protocols in place to provide protection to the public, inmates and other staff require all personnel to show, have recognized and verified as genuine, their State I.D. cards before entering or leaving the secure area of any IDOC facility. Based on the condition of the label, this officer had used his official I.D., with his name covered by the MOFFETTEER sticker, to enter, move about and leave the ISCC (and possibly other sensitive State venues) for quite some time - apparently without challenge by a supervisor.
Whether the alterations to official state identification cards by staff are to show solidarity with the officer after whom the Moffetteers were described was intended as a joke, a nod to the article posted on this site or in recognition of the underhanded means by those described in the article as Moffetteers used to fire Shackelford from his job, it is clear that if it is harassment (and punishable) for Shackelford to quote staff describing officers as MOFFETTEERS, it must be even more inappropriate for staff to use the same term and get away with it.
Welcome to the IDOC!