There is no doubt that I believe (and actual proof exists) the American Legion - as it exists at the Idaho State Correctional Center - is no more than a gang of thugs and opportunists, with a majority of the inmates involved nothing more than a bunch of sycophants, but nobody can deny that allowing this group, along with the Sons [of the American Legion], to have a banquet on Veteran's Day this year, while denying even a special meal to actual Veterans, is sickening.

As noted in previous posts on this site, American Legion Post 201 at the ISCC allows inmates with dishonorable discharges, and other disqualifying status to become members of the Legion. Indeed, the inmate who "runs" the Legion at the ISCC - and had himself voted the "Lifetime Commander" of the Post - was dishonorably discharged from military service, despite the Constitution of the American Legion, and the Congressional Charter authorizing the American Legion to exist expressly prohibiting persons who were not honorably discharged from being members of the Legion [Title 36 USC §§ 21701et seq.].

In mid-October, 2023, I sent a request to Warden Valley at the ISCC, asking that Veterans who have proof of honorable military service (DD214 or equivalent on file with the IDOC or in their possession) - and who are NOT members of the American Legion (or the non-military "Sons of the American Legion") at the ISCC be granted a special Veteran's Day meal, honoring those who served. A week later, Warden Valley replied to the request, stating that, unfortunately, [this] could not be accommodated.

Since receiving that reply, members of the American Legion, and the "Sons" confide that they are planning for a big Veteran's Day shindig, with "street food", drink, movies and snacks this year at the ISCC. With the special privileges these inmates are granted over and above other prisoners as a matter of course, it's surprising they aren't having their celebration at a local sports bar or pizzeria in town.

I suppose having received a "recognition award" from the American Legion a couple months ago goes a long way in what some administrators will allow these privileged few to have, regardless of whether or not those inmates have any right whatsoever to call themselves veterans.

Maybe next year Veterans - and until then, Thank You for your Service.


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