As predicted, IDOC administrators are stressing over photos of males with large breasts being sent to prisoners - calling the legal and perfectly appropriate efforts of prisoners to have policy changed a "game" - and are not only confiscating these photos when they arrive, staff are also inordinately (and without justification) delaying the release of the email indisputedly appropriate and authorized text to which they are attached. Staff constantly complain they don't have the time or staff to review all the emails, photos or videos received via JPay within the time constraints set forth in IDOC SOP 503.02.01.001 (see the post WASTING TIME AND PLAYING GAMES - THE ADMINISTRATOR'S DEFENSE on this page), yet, were staff not so consumed with identifying what boob is actually a boob, how much boob is too much boob and now - what is a male and what is a female boob - investigations and mailroom staff would have up to 30% more time (according to estimates by some staff) to ...