As predicted, IDOC administrators are stressing over photos of males with large breasts being sent to prisoners - calling the legal and perfectly appropriate efforts of prisoners to have policy changed a "game" - and are not only confiscating these photos when they arrive, staff are also inordinately (and without justification) delaying the release of the email indisputedly appropriate and authorized text to which they are attached.

Staff constantly complain they don't have the time or staff to review all the emails, photos or videos received via JPay within the time constraints set forth in IDOC SOP 503.02.01.001 (see the post WASTING TIME AND PLAYING GAMES - THE ADMINISTRATOR'S DEFENSE on this page), yet, were staff not so consumed with identifying what boob is actually a boob, how much boob is too much boob and now - what is a male and what is a female boob - investigations and mailroom staff would have up to 30% more time (according to estimates by some staff) to attend to other duties.

(NOTE: Mailroom staff spend hours every month simply leafing through issues of magazines looking for photos of female breasts. The confiscation of either electronic or physical mail, photos or videos also requires staff resources to complete proper Notice of Confiscation forms, and answer Concern form queries, grievances and appeals regarding confiscations - not counting the discrimination lawsuits which are currently being prepared over the matter. Routine cell searches include hundreds of staff man hours per week searching for drawings or photos containing any depiction of a female breast, whether a drawing of a stick figure, a topless female supermodel or a photo of a female infant [even the nipples of a dog, cat or any other female animal as the SOP does not limit the female breast prohibition to humans] as all violate SOP equally in Idaho prisons.)

Alright, yes, this is a prison, and there are security issues with every facet of life behind the wire, with both staff and prisoners, but as with anything, one can not tilt at windmills and expect things to go smooth. As prisoners must pick and choose their battles so too should IDOC. Gang wars, illegal and prescription drug abuse, fights and stabbings, extortion, even criminal acts and conspiracies in concert with those on the outside - those things need priority attention and deserve the focus of investigators, not whether the fictional boobs on a cartoon character show too much of the outline of a nipple, or whether there is a hint of cartoonish areola. 

Maybe the state legislature will appropriate more of your tax money to the IDOC this year for nipple depiction and eradication, booby gender identification or extra staff to flip through magazines looking for hooters in Idaho prisons, or maybe administrators will come to their senses, and leave the boobs alone. Administrators can then use those funds and staff resources for enhancing the safety and security of staff, prisoners and the public, rehabilitation, education and therapy for prisoners who will someday be your neighbors, higher pay for prison staff, insurance, facility repair... it's all up to you.